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4/10/92 (Day 146) — Preemies at Home, Day 14

April 10, 2011

This was a busy weekend. This day was Ian's bar mitzvah, so there were nurses at home with the babies. We also had lots of visitors. I took my huge breast pump with me and remember pumping in the bathroom at the reception. We didn't tell anyone about Molly's upcoming heart surgery, as this was a weekend to celebrate. For many of our relatives, this was the first time they were seeing Ike and Molly. Here's my dad holding Molly, I believe for the very first time.

Home nursing notes

Ike did well today. His appetite is improving. Molly is still at 1/2 liter O2. Her sats are mid to upper 90s. Her breath sounds were clear. her effort is slightly elevated, but still within parameters. She has also had a frequent cough today. — Ruth

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